News: AireCon 2018

As you may have heard on our most recent episode, The Offline Gamer is heading to AireCon 2018!  So, what is AireCon?  AireCon bills itself as an “analog gaming festival”, which is right up our street, and will be held at the Harrogate Convention Centre over the weekend (Fri-Sun) of 9th-11th March 2018.  Unlike UKGE, AireCon is geared primarily towards the playing of games with a huge library of 350+ titles to borrow over the weekend and a big focus on space to play. Aside from the regular Open Gaming space there’s also some real estate carved out for a Family Zone and an area just for RPGs.

Don’t worry if you’ve still got some Christmas money to spend by then as there’s also a traders’ area and an exhibitors’ area for you to pick up some new additions to your collection.  If you’ve already spent all that Christmas cash, there’s a Bring and Buy area as well to cycle some old titles out and fund some new ones coming in!

The chaps in charge of AireCon are doing plenty to help gamers connect too; so whether you’re going alone or in a group there are ways to find a game and get playing.  There will be a Gameseekers area where you can arrange and organise a game with others by posting up a note of what you want to play and if you’re already out in the play area they have ‘AireFlags’ that signal to passers-by that you’re in need of extra bodies.

There will also be events and special guests across the 3 days including, among others:

Rodney Smith from Watch It Played
Paul Grogan from Gaming Rules!
Efka and Elaine from No Pun Included
Michael from Toucan Play That Game
Polyhedron Collider Crew

Tickets are already on sale and start from £10 for a single day entry.

Just the Basics:

When: 9-11 March 2018
Where: Harrogate Convention Centre
What: a fun, inclusive and family friendly games fest!
Why: because we could all do with playing more games
How: book your tickets here


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