Kickstarter Unboxing – Creature Comforts

In Creature Comforts, you spend the Spring, Summer, and Fall gathering different goods from the forest and spending them to collect items that will make your home more inviting while the world outside is covered in a layer of snow. Each round you send family members out to various locations in an attempt to gain supplies. If they fall short of their goal, they’ll learn a lesson and be better prepared next time. The family that has created the most comfortable den wins the game.

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Game Details
NameCreature Comforts (2022)
ComplexityMedium Light [2.35]
BGG Rank670 [7.45]
Player Count (Recommended)1-5 (1-4)
Designer(s)Roberta Taylor
Artist(s)Shawna J.C. Tenney
Publisher(s)KTBG, Arclight Games, Board Game Circus, BoardBros, Geekach Games, Gen-X Games, Happy meeple games, Little Rocket Games, Lucrum Games, Matagot, Popcorn Games, Reflexshop and Tabletop KZ
Mechanism(s)Dice Rolling, Events, Open Drafting, Set Collection, Solo / Solitaire Game, Turn Order: Progressive, Worker Placement and Worker Placement with Dice Workers

Co-founder and co-host of The Offline Gamer Podcast.

F1 Fan, Board Gamer, PC Gamer, Trekkie, Photographer, Podcaster, IT Guy.

Articles: 318

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