Crowdfunding Unboxing – Lands of Galzyr

Lands of Galzyr is an adventuring game with an open and persistent world, with everyone’s actions having consequences in both the current and future games. Players assume the roles of cunning adventurers traversing the lands while completing quests and trying to gather fame and prestige.

Each game continues where the previous one ended thanks to a clever save-and-load mechanism, with no need for paper-and-pencil bookkeeping. You can play the game as many times as you wish and even swap players between sessions.

Lands of Galzyr is set in Daimyria, the same world as both the Dale of Merchants series and Dawn of Peacemakers. Go adventuring with both familiar and new animalfolks!

Game Homepage

Game Details
NameLands of Galzyr (2022)
ComplexityMedium Light [1.68]
BGG Rank1077 [8.01]
Player Count (Recommended)1-4 (1-3)
Designer(s)Seppo Kuukasjärvi and Sami Laakso
Artist(s)Jesús Delgado and Sami Laakso
Publisher(s)Snowdale Design and 2Tomatoes Games
Mechanism(s)Cooperative Game, Dice Rolling, Events, Movement Points, Narrative Choice / Paragraph, Negotiation, Once-Per-Game Abilities, Push Your Luck, Scenario / Mission / Campaign Game, Solo / Solitaire Game, Storytelling, Trading and Variable Player Powers

Co-founder and co-host of The Offline Gamer Podcast.

F1 Fan, Board Gamer, PC Gamer, Trekkie, Photographer, Podcaster, IT Guy.

Articles: 318

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