It’s almost time for the UK Games Expo 2024, and as is tradition here at The Offline Gamer we’ve created a version of the official UKGE map which adds the names of the exhibitors to their stands.

We compare the latest edition of Cadaver to the first edition, take a look at the components and rules, and let you know what we think!

Here's our selection of videos from UKGE 2023!

It's almost time for the UK Games Expo 2023, and as is tradition here at The Offline Gamer we've created a version of the official UKGE map which adds the names of the exhibitors to their stands.

Here's our selection of videos from Airecon 2023!

Lands of Galzyr is an adventuring game with an open and persistent world, with everyone's actions having consequences in both the current and future games.

Here's our selection of videos from Tabletop Gaming Live 2022, in Manchester.

The unsinkable Titanic is setting sail on her maiden voyage across the Atlantic, and you have secured yourself the coveted position of deckchair attendant on the first-class promenade.

Take a walk through Sydney’s beautiful Royal Botanic Garden, scoring points for all that you see!

In Eternal Palace, you are a noble family who has pledged to help the Emperor rebuild his palace left derelict for centuries so that you may gain his favor.

Dice Theme Park is a dice manipulation board game, all about creating and running your own park of fairground attractions.

Film wild animals in the Serengeti and direct your own inspiring wildlife documentary in this beautiful board game.