Kickstarter Unboxing #66 – Argonauts

Argonauts is a cooperative game that requires careful strategic planning and just a bit of luck, as even the best laid plans, can fall victim to the wrath of the Gods. The game’s objectives are to acquire the Golden Fleece and return safely to Iolkos without losing Argo or too many members of her crew. Each player controls heroes that participated in the Argonaut campaign, each with his / her own set of skills and special abilities. Following the journey from the myth, the Argonauts must face mythical monsters like Scylla and Harybdis, Harpies, Sirens, the construct Talos and the dragon guarding the Fleece, not to mention the perilous journey full of lethal encounters with merciless pirates or having to weather destructive thunderstorms all the while making sure their cargo hold is well stocked with the necessary supplies for the journey to and from Kolchis and their ship sea-worthy.

Argonauts by AlcyonCreative


Co-founder and co-host of The Offline Gamer Podcast.

F1 Fan, Board Gamer, PC Gamer, Trekkie, Photographer, Podcaster, IT Guy.

Articles: 318

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