Kickstarter Unboxing #95 – Brains!

Brains! is a card game for 2-5 zombies, suitable for players of all ages. A stand-alone sequel to the hit games Scuttle! and Ninjitsu!, this graveyard-building game will keep the whole family entertained for hours.

In this fast-playing card game, players race to be the first to reach 21 or more points. Each turn either play a card, draw 2 cards, or bury the top card of the deck. Cards can either be played as treasure or as an action, while all buried cards move to the top of your graveyard. Cards in your graveyard can have ongoing effects, or trigger special abilities when they enter your graveyard.

Game Homepage

BGG Page


Co-founder and co-host of The Offline Gamer Podcast.

F1 Fan, Board Gamer, PC Gamer, Trekkie, Photographer, Podcaster, IT Guy.

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