Kickstarter Unboxing – Incoming Transmission

In this co-operative futuristic board game for two or more, one player takes the role of Mission Control, and the others take control of a Cadet stranded on a heavily-damaged space station set to self-destruct. You will need to use wits and cunning to interpret the instructions as they will not be delivered in order! Figure your way through the objectives before time runs out!

Game Homepage

Game Details
NameIncoming Transmission (2019)
ComplexityMedium Light [2.00]
BGG Rank13929 [7.09]
Player Count2-5
Designer(s)Michael Lipton
Artist(s)Ian Stedman
Publisher(s)Magic Meeple Games
Mechanism(s)Action Queue, Cooperative Game, Grid Movement, Memory and Pick-up and Deliver

Co-founder and co-host of The Offline Gamer Podcast.

F1 Fan, Board Gamer, PC Gamer, Trekkie, Photographer, Podcaster, IT Guy.

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